waste & bio Data

ecoprog's waste & bio Data contains information on about 20,000 waste infrastructure and bioenergy plants and projects worldwide. This includes details such as capacity, input streams, operators, technology, and suppliers.

The database is the result of our monitoring, market studies, and consulting. The database is kept up to date through daily research for our waste & bio Infrastructure Monitor. Projects for which no updates can be found for longer than three years are deleted by default. It is not only the quantity of information that matters most to us, but above all their quality.

Available information

As of February 2022

Waste to Energy
Biomass to Power


* of which 1,039 new installations and 361 extensions of existing plants

** of which 968 new installations and 44 extensions of existing plants

Existing data on MBT as well as sorting and recycling plants are currently being prepared.


With a subscription to our weekly published waste & bio Infrastructure Monitor you can also order access to waste & bio Data.

If you buy one of our market studies you will get access to individual database modules. For example, if you purchase our market report Waste to Energy, you will get 12-month free access to the Waste to Energy module. 

Take a look at the trial database. Detailed price and product information is available here.


Johannes Eich
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88- 17