waste & bio Infrastructure Monitor

ecoprog's waste & bio Infrastructure Monitor is the key component of our market monitoring.

Our team reads the leading sources of the global waste and bioenergy markets. In selected markets, we work with local correspondents. After evaluating these sources, we curate all relevant news into our weekly Monitor.

The w&b Monitor offers you three major benefits:

  • The Monitor saves you time and money: find new projects, markets and players in one document - without any advertising or sponsored content.
  • The Monitor increases your market knowledge: we evaluate industry and expert publications, traditional and online media, covering the world's most important markets. Each issue contains about 80 to 100 news items. The w&b Monitor is the most comprehensive monitoring service in the industry.
  • Extensive online archive: Need information on a specific topic? Our archive contains more than 48,000 news items on plants, projects, or subsidisation schemes. You get a quick overview at no extra cost.


The w&b Monitor is available starting from €1,200.– per year (plus VAT, where applicable). Take a free trial and read 3 issues free of charge and without obligation.

With a subscription, you can optionally order access to waste & bio Data. Our database is updated weekly and contains information on around 20,000 facilities and projects worldwide. 


Jonas Havel
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88-16