ecoprog GmbH

The Metal Recycling Market in Europe

One year after the crisis, the European metal recycling market is back on a growth path. In 2010, approximately more than 100 million tons of scrap steel are sold in Europe. Compared to 2009, the market volume increases by almost 70 per cent. Since last year, the price for a ton of scrap steel has increased by about 50 per cent, the amount of produced scrap steel by approximately ten per cent.

One can expect a further growth in the future. On the one hand, the great global demand for crude steel, especially as a consequence of the infrastructure development in the emerging countries, is a market driver. At the same time, the recovering economy and the again increasing industrial production in Europe result in growing amounts of new and old scraps. In the long run, especially the environmental legislation of the European Union will cause higher recycling rates and, hence, increasing amounts of scrap.

In 2012 already, the European metal recycling market will probably not only achieve the pre-crisis, but even rise above it. This will only happen, however, if the global economy remains stable.

In the light of this development, ecoprog GmbH has analysed the European metal recycling market in detail. In doing so, we have not only included our own market knowledge, but also the expertise of public administrations, associations and shredder plant operators.

The up to date analysis of figures, facts, estimations and trends in the European market for metal recycling is of interest for producers, suppliers, operators, business associations, research institutes and consultants.


The study “The Metal Recycling Market in Europe“ includes:

  • a detailed analysis of all essential political, economic, managerial and technical trends in the European market for metal recycling
  • a concrete differentiation of the current and future market volumes in the scrap steel production by countries – up to and including 2014, based on a transparent and comprehensible methodology
  • the description of more than 300 shredder plants in Europe, including essential technical data and contact addresses
  • an analysis and description of the most important shredder plant operators in Europe, including their market shares

The study is available in German and English language from 2,900.- EUR plus VAT. Please see the extract or the online order form for details.


Mark Döing
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88- 11
Fax +49 221 788 03 88- 10

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