ecoprog GmbH

The Market for Municipal Waste Management in Poland

The Polish waste market is on the move. The increase of the marshal fee, which came into effect in early 2018, has caused a distortion on the Polish disposal market. Until 2020, the fee will amount to 270 PLN per ton (ca. 63 EUR per ton) both for mixed MSW and sorting residues. This price hike mainly puts pressure on the about 170 Polish pretreatment plants for MSW. For some of them, the increased landfill tax on sorting residues will quadruple their costs within 3 years. Today, these plants treat about 90% of the mixed MSW. In early 2019 already, disposal fees for pretreated MSW reached or even exceeded 100 EUR per ton at many locations.

The Polish municipalities are currently planning to considerably expand the material recovery as well as the biological and thermal treatment of waste. In this way, Poland wants to implement the goals of the EU waste legislation and develop alternatives to landfilling. According to the plans of the Polish voivodeships, more than 13.8 billion PLN (3.2 billion EUR) should be invested in waste infrastructure projects in the years to come.

In light of this development, ecoprog GmbH has evaluated the Polish MSW disposal market in detail. This up-to-date analysis of figures, facts, estimations and trends in the Polish disposal segment, which is based on our market knowledge and detailed inquiries, is of interest for disposal companies, manufacturers, suppliers, operators, associations, research institutes and consulters.

The study “The Market for Municipal Waste Management in Poland” includes:

• A detailed analysis of the structure, legal framework, level of development and investment needs of the Polish waste management system.

• Particularised information on more than 2,100 plants and treatment units for MSW disposal. This includes MBT plants, WtE plants, organic treatment plants, sorting plants for separately collected MSW, recycling plants and RDF production plants. The data also comprises information on locations, operators, capacities and throughput.

• Information on more than 270 planned treatment units and more than 360 envisaged modernisation projects at existing waste infrastructure plants. This data also comprises information on planned capacities, locations, operators and the estimated investment sums.

• A detailed analysis of this data at voivodeship level, e.g. in the form of more than 80 tables describing the planned investments by segment and 80 regional maps depicting plant locations.

In addition to the report you can order an enhanced data package in MS Excel, which includes:

• Complete data regarding the more than 2,100 plants and treatment units as well as more than 270 planned treatment units as described in the analysis
• Additional data relating to more than 600 sorting plants for commercial waste
• Input quantities according to EAV code and treatment processes for each individual plant, covering the years 2016 and, where available, 2017; more than 17,000 individual quantities in total
• A list of the more than 770 landfills
• A list of all Polish municipalities, including population, area and their allocation to the respective disposal areas

For sample data please refer to the sample file (MS Excel) on the right-hand side of this page.

The study is available in English and German language starting from 3,400 EUR plus VAT. Please see the extract or the online order form for details.


Dr. Annika Krüger
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88- 15
Fax +49 221 788 03 88- 10

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