ecoprog GmbH

Market Study & Data Set Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Europe

The market for municipal wastewater treatment plants will continue to grow in the long term. Over the past 20 years, the number of municipal wastewater treatment plants in Europe has increased steadily while their technical standard improved.

And the quantitative and qualitative development of wastewater treatment in Europe continues. The EU Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and the EU Water Framework Directive still provide the strongest market stimuli – especially in Eastern and Southern Europe. By contrast, maintenance and renewals as well as measures for reducing operational costs (primarily in terms of energy) dominate in Central and Northern Europe.

In light of these developments, ecoprog GmbH has analysed the European market for municipal wastewater treatment plants in detail. We have gathered extensive data on the plant asset and its development. In doing so, we have also collaborated with local subcontractors.

This up-to-date overview of trends, estimations, numbers and facts of the European market for municipal wastewater treatment plants is based on our market knowledge and detailed research and is of interest for manufacturers, suppliers, operators, associations, economic promotion institutions, research institutes and consultants.


The study “Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants in Europe” includes:

  • an overview of the essential political, economic, managerial, operational and technical trends affecting the supplier market for municipal wastewater treatment
  • a precise description of the present and the future market volumes, up to and including 2017, based on a transparent and comprehensible methodology
  • in the study: detailed particulars for more than 2,600 wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of at least 50,000 population equivalents
  • as a data set (MS Excel file): detailed particulars for more than 7,000 wastewater treatment plants with a capacity of at least 15,000 population equivalents. This data includes, amongst others, details on capacities, type of treatment and contact addresses. They comprise information on more than 80 per cent of all plants in this size group in Europe (about three fourths of all European capacities).

The study is available in English and German language starting from 2,900.- EUR plus VAT. The data set is available with a company or corporate version only. Please see the extract or the online order form for details.


Mark Döing
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88- 11
Fax +49 221 788 03 88- 10

Extract/Order Form

1489 KB

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Sample data

Sample data
52 KB



Press release
15 KB