ecoprog GmbH

Municipal sewage sludge disposal 2035

The market for sewage sludge disposal is in a state of upheaval. The current situation is characterized by a supply bottleneck as a consequence of, above all, the tightening of the fertilizer legislation against the backdrop of the revised fertilizer ordinance coming into force in 2017. The latter has hampered the application of municipal sewage sludge in the agricultural sector.

Due to the current supply bottleneck, in the past four years, prices for the disposal of sewage sludge have risen by approximately 30 to 40 EUR per tonne, amounting to almost 100 EUR per tonne at present.

In the years to come, the structures of sewage sludge recycling in Germany will be fundamentally changed by the following phenomena: compulsory recycling of phosphorus, further tightening of fertilizer legislation, application prohibitions as well as fossil-fuel phase-out.

In view of this development, ecoprog has analyzed the German market for sewage sludge disposal in detail. In doing so, we have not only drawn upon our own market insight based on different site-related potential assessments, but also incorporated public authorities, associations and companies from the branch into the study.

The market study “Municipal sewage sludge disposal 2035” includes:

  • Detailed analysis of all the essential political, economical, operational and technical trends in the field of municipal sewage sludge disposal in Germany
  • Evaluation of the current material flows and disposal channels on a national level as well as regarding 12 defined market regions
  • Forecast of these material flows and expected disposal costs based on a transparent methodology within the framework of three scenarios up to 2035. All forecast data per region and per year will be provided in MS Excel
  • Listing and examination of 40 mono-incineration projects in Germany, and building on this, analysis of potentials available on the level of the individual market regions. The list is updated on a monthly basis since April 2020; it is available as an add-on to the market study.
  • Overview of existing solutions for the recycling of phosphorus from ashes obtained from mono-incineration plants
  • Comprised in the study: a list of more than 530 sewage treatment plants with a capacity exceeding 50,000 population equivalents (size categories 4b and 5), including various data such as location, capacity, throughput, operator, general contact address (not personalized) and site characteristics
  • Optional: a list in MS Excel featuring the above-mentioned as well as more than another 3,700 sewage sludge treatment plants, comprising 1,600 plants with a capacity exceeding 10,000 population equivalents (size category 4a), for the most part of which the corresponding data are also available (please see the sample data file for details)

The study is available in German language starting from 2,400.- EUR plus VAT. Please see the extract or the online order form for details.


Dr. Annika Krüger
ecoprog GmbH
Tel. +49 221 788 03 88- 15
Fax +49 221 788 03 88- 10

Extract/Order Form

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Sample data

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