ecoprog GmbH

Trend Study Chemical Recycling

For the second edition of this Trend Study, ecoprog has tracked close to 180 chemical recycling plants and projects around the world. Market information that spans over a period of 8 years has been analysed to gain insights about this technology. 

Chemical recycling involves splitting up of polymer chains into their monomers and using them for respective applications. In a way, it is projected to promote circularity for plastic waste that cannot be treated through traditional recycling methods. Furthermore, material recycling which is often affiliated with downcycling, is alleged to be prevented by chemical recycling.

However, the current standards for traditional recycling set higher barriers for the establishment of chemical recycling. With many uncertainties, including its associated CO2 footprint and classification, the future of chemical recycling is also being questioned by specific organisations.

The Trend Study Chemical Recycling includes on more than 130 pages:

  • A description of the technologies and implementation of chemical recycling, and an outlook on their strengths and weaknesses compared to traditional methods.
  • An analysis of key factors and trends in the global plastic production and recycling market with regard to chemical recycling.
  • An account of nearly 180 chemical recycling plants and projects worldwide, including descriptions of capacities, inputs and technologies (as far as known).
  • An outlook in terms of their market regions and an analysis of the key competitors in this market.
  • A monthly update in the form of short news on chemical recycling and an MS Excel file including plants and projects (abbreviated version) for the first 12 months.

The study is available starting from 1,800.– EUR (plus VAT, if applicable). Customers of our w&b Monitor will receive a discount starting from 600.– EUR.



Johannes Eich
ecoprog GmbH
Phone +49 221 788 03 88-17

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